Monday, 14 March 2011

Action Plan for organic sector

Plans to boost the organic sector and ensure it contributes fully to the sustainable growth of the food and drink sector were launched today.

The Organic Action Plan, which declares the sector a national target under the Scotland Rural Development Programme, aims to increase production and help it meet increasing consumer demands.

Launching the plan during a visit to Tio Organics, Forres, Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs, Richard Lochhead said:

"The action plan comes at an exciting time for Scottish Food and Drink which is now enjoying increasing demand and increased consumer recognition thanks to the work being delivered under Scotland's first National Food and Drink Policy.

"Out ability to produce high quality products lies at the heart of this success with many producers pulling together to meet market demand for fresh, seasonal and local foods.

"The organic sector plays an exemplary role in the supply chain, working with the environment, minimising fertiliser and pesticide use. It is already playing its part in our efforts to tackle climate change in agriculture, particularly in the Farming for a Better Climate initiative and the Soil Association's Climate Change Programme.

"It is crucial that organic businesses enjoy sustainable economic growth. To achieve this buyers have to know the benefits of organic goods and be appraised of the innovation, expertise and developments in the sector."

A spokesman for the Scottish Organic Forum said:

"Organic farming and food has a massive role to play in Scotland's economy with annual Scottish sales in excess of £55 million.

"At a time when sales recovery is well underway with demand for organic produce in the UK and EU showing excellent growth, it is both timely and welcome that the Scottish Government has invested in the production of a new Action Plan.

"We are convinced that the actions set out in the plan will ensure that Scotland's organic sector will continue to enjoy a bright and sustainable future."

The Organic Action Plan includes a range of actions for the industry and Government to deliver:
  • continuing support for organic production under the SRDP - making it a National Target in Spring 2011
  • continuing to provide support to develop the sector including information regarding the organic supply chain and knowledge transfer through the Scottish Agricultural College
  • providing consumer information on organic food and farming
  • reflecting the benefits of organic farming more fully across Scottish government policies, particularly regarding sustainable development, climate change, biodiversity, soils, animal welfare and rural development.
The Organic Action Plan was developed over the past 16 months by the Scottish Government in conjunction with the Scottish Organic Forum (SOF). The SOF is led by industry and includes: The Soil Association, Scottish Organic Producers Association, Scottish Agricultural Organisation Society, Scottish Organic Milk Producers and the Scottish Agricultural College. The views of the wider industry - including NFU Scotland and Scotland Food and Drink - were also sought.

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